Monday, March 19, 2012

Is there a cure for MS ? ? Birth Control

I am suffering from MS since 2003, and I am quite sure it has gotten worst due to my ups and downs, I know for sure now that smoking, depression and not resting enough has a very big influence on the whole thing, I used to be very healthy and athletic, but now I am having hard time balancing while walking. please tell me if there is any advise for me to live normal again.

Multiple sclerosis is a long term chronic disease, and as yet no cure has being discovered. However, there are various treatments to control symptoms to slow the disease and improve the quality of life. Treatments include:

Immunotherapy is an immune modulating therapy that may help to slow down the disease or reduce the frequency of relapses
Steroids can help to reduce the severity of attacks
Antidepressants may be used to* improve behavioral symptoms such as depression and mood swings
*Medications can be prescribed to reduce urinary problems, and to minimize muscle spasticity
Physical therapy helps to strengthen muscles, improve balance and walking, and reduce pain and spasticity
Speech therapy may help when speech becomes impaired
Occupational therapy helps MS sufferers to cope with adaptations in their home and work.
Counseling can relieve emotional stress, and help the individual to express feelings about the impact of MS on their lives and relationships. Psychological support is vital to maintain a positive outlook and prevent feelings of hopelessness

There are a number of complementary and alternative therapies that can help to minimize the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. These include homeopathy, acupuncture, and massage.

Complementary treatments may be used together with conventional medicine or as an alternative. However, home treatment of MS is not recommended. Should you decide to explore alternatives to conventional medicine, consult a qualified homeopath that would be able to monitor your progress and ensure that you are receiving the correct treatment.

Herbal remedies for MS would typically include ingredients that would address symptoms which are most troublesome for the individual.

Some commonly recommended herbs include Avena sativa (nerve tonic), Lavendula angustifolia and Melissa officinalis and Passiflora incarnata (stress and anxiety), St John?s Wort (depression and nerve tonic), as well as various herbs for bladder problems, constipation and general inflammation. Biochemic tissue salts can be helpful as a safe anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic and to relieve cramps, improve circulation and support nervous system health.

It is important to make lifestyle changes such as eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly and resting as much as possible in order to manage the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

You can see more in

Have not read of a cure, other than what Cindy Posted?-

Thank you Cindy, am going to go and reference all of your excellent
suggested sites.


There are cases where MS will go dormant and stay that way forever,
other times, dormant for years and then become active again,
but the cure thing, have not seen reported in the med-sites i read in.

The comment above about cures not being revealed by drug/doctor group is
well said.

Smoking any thing is bad for MS, that means any type of smoked substance.

Am currently trying to research this topic for a friend and the References given above
will hit this weekend.

Take care?blessings, peace and love of spirit

Yes, there are cures for many diseases but if they were to release them, health insurance industrys would collapse. I mean think about it, they make millions/billions in donated money for cancer and other diseases, history is filled with people thrown in jail for finding cures to early. My mom was diagnosed a few years back, but what she has done is change her diet. She has had no progression in her ms legions, in fact the doctors told her the legions are starting to disappear. Key is- don?t eat meat. If media told you the truth, economy would probably collapse to sustain all the excess life- its just population control. There is this guy named Peter who has cured any disease AIDS, Herpes,Cancer, Diabetes, all those with a diet of green juice and baked sweet potato. If your interested i can contact him and he could tell you.


well you can take pills the doctor prescribes you. It is not a cure, but it is treatment.

If you are looking for alternative treatments, I would suggest you look into especially what is called detoxification of the body.

There are many ways to detoxify the body. Only a few google searches can give you some ideas on how to detox.

I doubt if there is a cure but you can do much to not make it worse than it could be.Dr. Joe Prendergast reports curing it in his patients with vitD3.

Dr. Joe Prendergast, an endocrinologist /diabetologist has managed over 1500 diabetic patients and, in the last decade, not one of his patients has had a stroke or heart attack. Only one has even been hospitalized! His secret?50,000 units of Vitamin D3 daily. Dr. Joe further reports:

* Cure of multiple sclerosis

* Reversal of advanced coronary disease
* Reversal of advanced lung disease
* Cure of amotrophic lateral sclerosis
* Regression of rheumatoid arthritis
* Improvement in allergies
* Control of many cancers
* Reversal of osteoporosis
* Prevention of influenza
* Cure of depression & other mental disorders
* Hashimoto?s hyperthyroidism

In summary, the evidence for safety and remarkable efficacy of Vitamin D3 suggests that virtually ALL adults should probably take 50,000 units of D3 daily. This is certainly true for those with virtually any illness.

Maximizing vit D levels & eating a low carb, high saturated fat diet ? with lots of virgin coconut oil.Eat sardines, mackerel, herring & salmon many times each week ? canned items are affordable ? as well as oysters.

I believe symptoms can be managed & alleviated if you bring your body back to a state of balance with proper low carb diet & careful monitoring of everything you put in your mouth (including fluoridated water, drugs, toothpaste with fluoride, etc.). It may take years to completely normalize, but the body is a self healing unit & it should be possible.

I suggest -

1. optimizing vit.D levels with a minimum of 10,000iu per day
2. researching iodine supplementation ? adding seaweed, especially kelp to the diet
3. If you are using artificial sweeteners or drinks/foods with chemicals ? stop immediately
4. consider getting a fluoride filter for your water ? I recommend Berkey but Zerowater will do also
5. immediately starting Atkins low carb way of eating to normalize blood sugar, insulin & other hormones (discuss with doctor lowering or eliminating any meds for blood sugar, blood pressure or cholesterol ? doing these with low carb will lower levels dangerously so)

Insulin is considered the "bully" hormone. While it?s active in the bloodstream, other hormones aren?t allowed to function properly, especially sex hormones & human growth hormone. This creates a major imbalance in the body which creates a lot of defenses that we call symptoms (excess fat accumulation, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, etc.)

1 oz. (about 4 canned or fresh) oysters provides naturally occurring zinc (170% DV) & 90% DV of vitamin B12 as well as getting some Omega 3 fatty acids, EPA/DHA.Animal studies show that zinc deficiency is associated with decreased serum T3 levels. Zinc may play a role in thyroid hormone metabolism in patients with low T3 and may contribute to conversion of T4 to T3 in humans.

Vitamin D3 is not a vitamin at all but a necessary hormone that effects the immune system, bones & nearly every aspect of health.

Vitamin D3 deficiency is becoming an epidemic, it is possible that people are washing daily, if you wash skin exposed to the sun within 48 hours, you wash off the oils where the vitamin D production starts.In northern latitudes (above that of Atlanta, Georgia) the sun is at too low an angle for half the year to provide sufficient UV radiation. If even available, UVB rays are only accessible while the sun is directly overhead.Most people need to take vitamin D, especially seniors, as the ability to synthesize vitamin D in the skin declines with age.

With exposure to sunlight in the summer, the body can generate up to 20,000iu of vitamin D per hour with no ill effects. In addition, no adverse effects have been seen with supplemental vitamin D intakes up to 10,000 IU daily.

Always take your vitamin D with a fat-containing meal to ensure absorption.

Vitamin D deficiency may contribute to the wide set of disorders associated with metabolic syndrome (syndrome X), as well as to PCOS. In a study published in 2004, the authors saw a 60% improvement in insulin sensitivity in healthy, vitamin D replete adults

I felt really ill for seven years. During that time I regularly saw my GP. He sent me to many different specialists. Eventually one seemed to be interested in my problem, I saw him for quite some time, The last time I saw him he said my symptoms had got bad enough for him to tell me that I had MS. But I had other symptoms aswell that he did not associate with MS,At that point in time a dowser came to my home to help find a better water source, as our well was not deep and got polluted when it rained. After walking about with his rods for a while he stopped and told me that he had noticed that every time my legs went like jelly and I had to hold on or collapse, that it was at the same time his rods turned to signal water was running below the ground. Also at other times as well. He said that there were additional energies in the ground that he did not pick up but other people did. He gave me a phone no of some one who knew about people and energies.
I never went back to the specialist as there was no cure. I phoned the man as the dowser had suggested. I then went on to talk to many different people, read books etc.
I learned to read and listen to others and from their advice and experience I took what was appropriate for me and discarded what was not right for me. We are all different.
I learned about how some foods made me feel so ill, one of the worst being that I felt like I was above my body and not in it. Very scarry when crossing a road or handling boiling kettles or carrying a baby. Too dangerous to drive.
I learned about geopathic stress, this was the earth energies that that made my legs go like jelly.When in bed, feeling like it was tipping from side to side, and having to hold on to the sheets and mattress edge for fear of rolling out. (I was not drunk,I don?t drink at all) I was always so tired. The energies were not good instead of revitalising me they were draining me.
I had been too short of breath to even go all the way up the stairs with out a rest half way. There was quite a lot of other stuff aswell.
There are quite a few other things I found out about, if you are interested I suggest that to start with you phone AWARENESS CENTRE 0129732331 they will give you a phone no. of some one who can give you info. on GEOPATHIC STRESS and how it can be removed from your house. This will probably then lead you on to other info for you to start learning about how to live with your self in a healthy way.
I have been well now for about 20 years. I will always have to be carefull about what I eat,drink and the earth energies/geopathic stress. Life is good, don?t give up trying. I found a cure that worked for me. I hope you find your cure.


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