Taylor Swift loves to bake. She lurves it. No, like, seriously. It?s passion of hers, next to writing songs about her exes. She also loves to make actual entrees. She shared what tickles her palette and what?s in her pantry and her fridge. If the music career ever goes on the fritz, which we doubt, since ?Red? is on pace to sell like a gazillion records, she can easily host her own cooking show.
While at home in Nashville, Swift shared what?s in her fridge, on the handwritten napkin below. We love her swirly, girly handwriting. Too. Freakin?. Cute.
But she went deeper about culinary concerns and challenges.
What?s always in her dressing room? Water. And lots of it. ?I drink, like, 10 bottles of water a day. That?s pretty much all we have in there. I think we used to have veggie trays. Now that I think of it, I have no idea why I don?t have dressing-room food anymore. Now I?m angry! I have to make a few calls?? Oooh, somebody on the Swift staff is gonna get a talking to.
The most challenging recipe? While she prefers to create simple dishes when entertaining to relieve the pressure of trying something out-of-the-box and ultimately screwing it up, she does get adventurous in the kitchen from time to time. ?I was at my friend Ashley?s house and she made this amazing honey-mustard salmon on rice. I got the recipe from her and made it for a dinner party with coconut rice. I?d never tried making fish before, so I?m still pretty proud to have that in my repertoire,? Swift gushed.
Her favorite dishes made by mom? Brisket and pot roast, which Swift says ?are out of this world.? Ma Swift also crafts toffee with brown sugar, chocolate chips, butter and saltines. Mmm. Our mouths are watering at the thought of it. ?Those are high-calorie days for me,? the tall and trim singer admitted.
Why winter is the best season for cooking: She loves to cook when it?s cold, since it?s a warm and festive time of year. ?Winter is my favorite season because of the food and the smells and the spices and how everyone is feeling everything so intensely and giving each other things,? she said. ?I love nutmeg and cinnamon. I bake pumpkin bread for everyone I know and make ginger molasses cookies and hot chocolate and chai. It?s the most perfect time for baking for people you love.?
We?d love to be invited over to T. Swizzle?s Nashville condo for some spiced chai and ginger molasses cookies.
She also elaborated on why she keeps the incredible, edible egg and Diet Coke in her refrigerator:
1. Eggs. I love making buckwheat crepes with ham, Parmesan cheese, and a fried egg on top. It?s my go-to breakfast.
2. Thinly sliced ham and chicken from the deli. I like to always have the option to make someone a sandwich.
3. Orange juice. I drink it with breakfast every morning.
4. Diet Coke. Because it understands me.
5. Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese.
6. There?s always some sort of binge food ? like a tube of cinnamon rolls or a giant tub of cookie dough. Because I?m that girl.
Watch the Taylor Swift ?Begin Again? Video
Source: http://popcrush.com/taylor-swift-fridge-contents-cooking-exploits/
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